
— Jul 16, 2024
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New Federal Fiscal Framework for Canada

A New Federal Fiscal Framework for Canada finds that if the federal government reduced program spending by only 2.3 per cent over two years and eliminated a host of tax expenditures, it could balance the budget and reduce personal income tax rates affecting most Canadians.

— Jul 3, 2024
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Measuring Progressivity in Canada’s Tax System, 2024

Measuring Progressivity in Canada’s Tax System, 2024 finds that despite common misperception, the top 20 per cent of income-earning families pay a larger share of total taxes (54.2 per cent) than their share of income (46.4 per cent).

— Jun 28, 2024
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The Case for Replacing British Columbia’s Inefficient Provincial Sales Tax with a Made-in-BC VAT

The Case for Replacing British Columbia’s Inefficient Provincial Sales Tax with a Made-in-BC VAT is a new study that finds replacing the current B.C. Provincial Sales Tax with a Harmonized Sales Tax (or a Value Added Tax) would reduce taxes on business inputs, particularly machinery and equipment, which discourages investment, lowers productivity, and slows economic growth. Removing this tax on machinery and equipment could increase annual incomes in B.C. by an estimated $700 to $1,700 per worker.

— Jun 13, 2024
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Tax Freedom Day measures the total annual tax burden imposed on Canadian families by federal, provincial, and municipal governments. This year, it arrives on Thursday, June 13—four days later than in 2019, the last year before the pandemic.

— Apr 30, 2024
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Personal Income Tax Compliance for Canadians: How and at What Cost?

Personal Income Tax Compliance for Canadians: How and at What Cost? uses a new survey and finds that roughly half of tax filers (50 per cent) prepared their 2022 income tax return themselves while more than one third (37 per cent) used a paid tax preparer—the study also suggests that one way to reduce these compliance costs is to produce prefilled income tax reports for Canadians, streamlining the process for taxpayers and saving them both time and money.

— Apr 23, 2024
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Marginal Effective Tax Rates for Working Families in Canada

Marginal Effective Tax Rates for Working Families in Canada is a new study that finds Canadian families and individuals with annual incomes between $30,000 and $60,000 face marginal effective tax rates near or above 50 per cent—meaning that across the provinces, individuals and families with relatively modest incomes face the highest rates.

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