personal income taxes

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Contrary to rhetoric, high-income families pay most taxes in Canada

The top 20 per cent pay nearly two-thirds of all federal and provincial income taxes.

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Ottawa’s ‘luxury tax’ will hurt the economy and Canadians

The top one per cent of earners paid 18 per cent of the income tax—double the combined income tax payments of the bottom 50 per cent of earners.

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Subtle tax change costing Albertans hundreds of millions

In 2023/24, de-indexation could cost Albertans $706 million.

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High tax rate hurts Ontario’s competitiveness

The province's top combined personal income tax rate stands at 53.53 per cent.

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Here’s how Premier Ford can make hard work pay off in Ontario

The province's top combined personal income tax rate is 53.5 per cent, the third-highest rate among all provinces and U.S. states.

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Canadian families face growing tax burden with no relief in sight

The total federal/provincial government debt is due to increase by $86 billion in 2022/23.

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Size of government—a pre-pandemic problem

Government spending represented 40.4 per cent of the country's economy in 2019, up from 37.4 per cent in 2007.