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Ontario must align government compensation with private sector

Ontario's net government debt has grown approximately 121 per cent since 2007/08.

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Estimating the recessionary impact on B.C. finances: Part 2

The provincial budget projected that net debt would grow to $48.9 billion in 2020/21.

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The disproportionate pain of economic “shutdowns” by government

More than three million Canadians have lost their jobs.

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Taxpayers likely to feel city hall’s COVID cash crunch

Less permit fee and land transfer tax revenue is driving Toronto’s overall revenue drop.

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Some much-needed perspective on COVID infection and death rates

Singapore's COVID-related deaths equal 0.0002 per cent of that country's population.


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Alberta’s debt-to-GDP ratio set to climb—quickly

Premier Kenney says province likely to run a deficit close to $20 billion.

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Perverse incentives may help erode housing affordability

Rising incomes and low interest rates have generated tremendous demand for housing across the country.

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Another recession means more hardship in areas of Ontario that struggled in recent years

Total employment increased by 17.3 per cent in the GTA, 9.7 per cent in Ottawa and 1.9 per cent in the rest of the province.

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