The economic gap between provinces has shrunk yet equalization payments have continued to increase.
economic stabilization program
The Trudeau government raised the cap from $60 per person to $170.
There are an estimated 177,700 CERB-eligible spouses living in households with at least $100,000 in income.
The rest of the country may not be willing to subsidize Atlantic Canadian seasonal workers like in the past.
Alberta became eligible for stabilization payments in 2015/16 and 2016/2017.
The fiscal capacity gap between “have” and "have-not" provinces has shrunk from 27 per cent to 6 per cent.
The federal deficit this year will reach an estimated $184.2 billion.
The auditor general noted there were 3.8 million more social insurance numbers for Canadians 20 years and older than actual people in that age group.
High regulatory and severance costs alongside legislative uncertainty will exacerbate an already bad situation.