federal spending

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Federal government used pandemic to engineer long-term spending increase

Compared to fiscal year 2019-20, total federal spending in 2022-23 will be approximately 27 per cent higher.

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Canadians bear burden of higher spending by federal government

According to the budget, federal spending will reach $434.3 billion this year, more than a two-thirds increase in less than a decade.

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Ottawa now underreports true level of spending

Under the old classification, program spending would have been more than $10 billion higher.

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Government spending—there’s no such thing as a free lunch

According to projections, the federal debt will reach nearly $2 trillion in 2026-27.

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Ottawa’s zeal for centralization will cost Canadians dearly

This year the federal government expects to spend $52.8 billion more than it has in revenues.

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Trudeau policies—an economically dangerous déjà vu

The federal debt has grown from $1.2 trillion in 2014 to $1.9 trillion in 2021—an increase of 51 per cent.

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Government debt and inflation—Ottawa continues to mislead

If the federal government reduced spending, it could help lower inflation and limit the increase in interest rates.

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No end in sight for government spending spree across Canada

Residents in all provinces already pay more than $550 per person annually on government debt interest.